Archive for 20 Oct 2012
Samsung Galaxy Nexus II, Designed By Bob Freking, Inspired by Holo and Nexus Q
Recent leaks have shown that Google is preparing more than one Nexus
phone for this autumn launch. They may include a LG Nexus 4 device, a HTC Nexus 5, as well as a Samsung
Galaxy Nexus II. The latter gets a mockup from Bob Freking, inspired by
HTC Nexus 5 Phone Becomes Real in Hasan Kaymak’s Latest Concept
I’ve been reading rumors all day regarding the 2012 Google Nexus
Phones, that may be unveiled soon. It appears that there’s a LG Nexus 4
out there, plus a Sony Nexus, Galaxy Nexus II and
even a HTC Nexus 5. The latter fits what Hasan Kaymak has sent.
Posted by Viie shop
Apple iPad 4 Designed by Bob Freking; Yes, Already!
While we’ve got our hands full with iPad Mini speculations and Apple
has just confirmed an event for its launch on October 23rd, Bob Freking
is already thinking about the iPad 4. Not only thinking, but also doing,
since he created a concept of the.
Posted by Viie shop